Dot Money

Get the book that started a movement. Click here. Dot Money may be the most important book of our time. It has the potential to transform the world and the lives of every individual for the better. This book explores the creation and use of money, global monetary systems, and our preconceived ideas of money. Then it reveals how ordinary people can take control of the money system today, making it work for them as an alternative to just working to make ends meet. Dot Money is more than a book it is a movement (see DotMoney.Tv , DotMoney.Cash , ,

Dot Money reveals the next step in the evolution of global economics and shows us how to solve the most important problems of our time. This book has the potential to enable us to overcome poverty, and increase the standard of living for every human being regardless of their current resources, education, race, religion, health, geographic location, political or social affiliations.


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